Monday, February 20, 2012

A Dust of Snow

This is a rambling of a few things - thoughts, feelings and mother nature. So with the big move to Scotland life has obviously been full of changes. And seeing as I can only spend so many hours sending out CV's and job hunting I find myself with quite a bit of free time on my hands. 

Camera in hand, I have taken to walking for extended periods of time - which basically means I walk until I am so frozen that if I don't head back to the flat I will be preserved in ice for future generations. 

On Sunday night it started to snow and it was like magic. I sat in my window sill and looked out at the blizzard of tiny crystal flakes so light and soft that they seemed to be coming from everywhere as the wind tossed them around like a tiny boat in an angry sea. The next day I went walking. 

And my feelings of change and wonder of which direction my life is heading were met by a dusting of snow that overnight and engulfed my new home. 

As I walked across the golf course painted white by mother nature the words of Ross Copperman's song 'Holding on and Letting Go' played on the radio.  

Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening?
Does anybody really know if its the end of the beginning?
The quiet rush of one breath
Is all we're waiting for
Sometimes the one we’re taking
Changes every one before..
It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go

Like the old saying says when one door closes another door opens. Or was it a window? Well either way it made me realise that in order for your dreams to come true you need to make the best of what you have and  find a way to use it as a starting point. 

As there is always a different way of looking at any situation. 



  1. wow tarryn! these photos are beautiful. When I look at them it's almost like in your life, there may be freezing snow but the grass is still poking up- you are so strong my friend! And the bleak whiteness pierced by yellow! sunshine, hope, blue sky. Thinking about you lots, keep up the stunning work. Do you still need a job? praying you find the right one, soon! x

    1. Thanks Caeri! I got a job doing admin work for a drilling company. I started on Monday so still busy getting trained. Glad you liked the post. Loving your blog as well cause it inspires me and makes me feel like we are on a journey together!! xx

  2. absolutely stunning - i am so jealous, would LOVE to be in the UK right now. keep it up and please don't freeze to death haha!

    1. Thanks Katie :) Well you are welcome to come stay in Scotland whenever you feel like it!! Hope everything is going well in SA. Miss our digs so much more than I thought I would. Hugs xxx
